Legenda Brazil Adalah
(La versión en español está disponible para descargas al final de la página) (A versão em português está disponível para download no final da página) Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament members’ visit to Brazil, civil society organisations in the State of Bahia, including Protection International, express their interest to meet with the EP Delegation […]
To: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira Cc: Office of the President’s Chief of Staff, Rui Costa; Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Marina Silva; Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida; Minister of Indigenous Peoples, Sônia Guajajara; Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino; Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro; Minister of Agrarian Development, Paulo Teixeira; Minister of […]
Photo by: Fernando Frazão / Agência Brasil Every July 25th, since 1992, the International Day of the Latin American and Caribbean Black Women is celebrated, to highlight the struggle and resistance of black women, as well as their achievements concerning rights and citizenship. The day also aims to draw attention to the lack of public […]
On June 5, Protection International and the Institute of Black Women – GELEDÉS presented the guidebook “Sharing knowledge about collective protection of black women human rights defenders”, a publication resulting from the series of virtual meetings “Voices of women” which were held in 2020. The booklet compiles information and insights from more than 20 black […]
To read the English article, follow the link. Memorias de cuatro conversatorios sobre la protección colectiva a personas y colectividades defensoras de los derechos humanos, ambientales y territoriales En 2020, las organizaciones Protection International (PI) con su trabajo en Brasil; la Associação de Advogados de Trabalhadores Rurais- AATR (Brasil); el Centro de Estudos e Ação […]
Report on discussions concerning the collective protection of individuals and communities that are defenders of human, environmental, and territorial rights In 2020, Protection International-PI, the Associação de Advogados de Trabalhadores Rurais- AATR (Brazil), the Centro de Estudos e Ação Social-CEAS (Brazil) and the Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço – CESE (Brazil), organized four virtual conversations to […]
Statement on the Assassination of Dilma Ferreira Silva, leader of Brazil’s Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples (MAB) In the face of the brutal crime committed on March 22nd against a coordinator of the Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples in Brazil, the undersigned human rights and environmental organizations call on Brazilian authorities and multilateral organizations to ensure that […]
30/10/2018 – The policies proposed by Brazil’s new President, Jair Bolsonaro, threaten a human rights and environmental catastrophe with global implications. Brazil is already the deadliest country in the world in which to defend your land, with at least 57 people murdered last year, 25 of them in three massacres. Eighty per cent of these died […]
Conflicts around natural resources are globally on the increase. In many countries, environmental defenders suffer severe threats and assaults. To counter these alarming developments, IUCN NL, Protection International, and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs will host a three-day event, to be held from 8 to 10 December in The Hague. “The aim is to […]
Conflicts around natural resources are globally on the increase. In many countries, environmental defenders suffer severe threats and assaults. To counter these alarming developments, IUCN NL, Protection International, and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs will host a three-day event, to be held from 8 to 10 December in The Hague. “The aim is to […]
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Bảng xếp hạng vòng loại World Cup 2026 khu vực Nam Mỹ: Brazil gây thất vọng
VOV.VN - Cập nhật bảng xếp hạng vòng loại World Cup 2026 kh vực Nam Mỹ mới nhất, Brazil thua trận thứ 2 liên tiếp, đứng thứ 5 trên bảng xếp hạng. Trong khi đó, ĐT Argentina vẫn dẫn đầu với 12 điểm sau 5 lượt trận.
Bảng xếp hạng vòng loại World Cup 2026 khu vực Nam Mỹ sau 5 lượt trận.
Từ khóa: World Cup 2026, World Cup 2026, bảng xếp hạng World Cup 2026,vòng loại World Cup 2026,bảng xếp hạng World Cup 2026 nam mỹ,brazil
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